Thursday, April 25, 2024

12-String Guitars

January 30, 2012









Chitarre A 12 Corde

30 Gennaio, 2012

Io e Katie Couric, a una serata di beneficenza

Ho molte chitarre che amo, ma che spesso vengono dimenticate, perché non sono presenti su molti dischi. Le suono spesso dal vivo. Ho suonato a molti concerti di beneficenza, durante gli anni, ed è qui che solitamente riesco a suonare su alcune Chtarre A 12 Corde.

Una Rickenbacker a 12 Corde, autografata da Sting, Lenny Kravitz, e altri, dopo averla suonata a un tributo per i Beatles

Ho suonato questa Fender Electric XII, in molti concerti dal vivo

In molti concerti dal vivo, ho suonato questa Gibson Songwriter Deluxe 12 Corde Acustica

Ho suonato questa Rickenbacker 620 12 corde, al concerto benefico di Katie Couric

Ho suonato questa Rickenbacker 330 12 corde con Mickey Dolenz, per beneficenza


We Are Family Style

January 29, 2012
Many people wrote me that yesterday's post had a lot of content. I'm not sure that everybody could get through all of it in one day. For the folks who did I've added a few new items, for those who didn't you can still do so today. A little More We Are Family Style. ~NR


January 28, 2012

Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jimmie Vaughan giving up We Are Family Style

Life is a series of ups and downs. A little over a year ago I had a very low point when I was attacked by aggressive prostate cancer.

In 1990, I worked on a project that, like life, was filled with many ups and downs. It was called Family Style by the Vaughan Brothers. It was the only studio album by Stevie Ray and his brother Jimmie.

Most of the album was a series of highs - but the low was the lowest of all possible lows, the death of Stevie Ray Vaughan.

This project not only brought the two brothers closer, our entire crew had a unique kinship and a certain We Are Family Style.

The Vaughan Brothers in the studio right before Stevie's death. He's playing my factory Gold Plated Strat at the end of the clip.
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The Vaughan Bros during Family Style at Ardent Studio in Memphis' control room

Stevie taking a pool break during the recording of Family Style

Al Berry, Jimmie and me listening back to Al's bass track

Rich Hilton and Michael Vasquez in a fun moment

Jimmie and me in an artist producer moment

Stevie, me and Jimmie having an artists producer moment

Vaughan Brothers "Family Style"


Jimmie, legendary bluesman Booker T. Laury (who didn't believe I was the producer until I gave him a handful a new 100 dollar bills) and Stevie

A We Are Family Style Photo with blues legend Booker T. Laury

Stevie Ray, who was always the jokester, and bassist Al Berry

As I was saying - Stevie the jokester


We Are Family Style

28 de Enero, 2012

Stevie Ray Vaughan y Jimmie Vaughan - We Are Family Style

La vida es una serie de subidas y bajadas. Un poco más de un año atrás tuve un punto muy bajo, cuando fui atacado por cáncer de próstata agresivo.

En 1990, trabajé en un proyecto que, como la vida, estaba lleno de sus subidas y bajadas. Family Style de los hermanos Vaughan. Fue el único álbum de estudio de Stevie Ray y su hermano Jimmie.

La mayoría del álbum fue una serie de momentos increíbles, pero la baja fue la más baja de todos las situaciónes posibles, la muerte de Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Este proyecto no sólo acerco a los dos hermanos más, nuestro equipo entero tenía un parentesco único y un cierto estilo We Are Family Style.

Los Hermanos Vaughan en el estudio antes de la muerte de Stevie. Está tocando mi Strat de Oro al final del clip.
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The Vaughan Brothers Family Style en el estudio Ardent de Memphis - sala de control

Stevie tomando un descanso durante la grabación de Family Style

Al Berry, Jimmie y yo escuchando de nuevo la pista de bajo de Al

Rich Hilton y Michael Vasquez en un momento de diversión

Jimmie y yo en un momento de productor y artista

Stevie, yo y Jimmie teniendo un momento de productor y artistas

Vaughan Brothers "Family Style"


We Are Family Style

28 de Janeiro de 2012

Stevie Ray Vaughan e Jimmie Vaughan em pose We Are Family Style

A vida é uma série de altos e baixos. Há pouco mais de um ano, passei por um momento muito lá em baixo quando fui atacado por cancro/câncer agressivo da próstata.

Em 1990, trabalhei num projecto que, assim como a vida, foi pleno de altos e baixos. Chamava-se Family Style dos Vaughan Brothers. Foi o único álbum de estúdio do Stevie Ray e do irmão dele, Jimmie, em conjunto.

A maior parte do álbum foi uma série de ponto saltos - mas o ponto baixo foi o pior possível, a morte do Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Este projecto não só aproximou os irmãos, toda a equipa tinha uma sensação única de pertencer a uma família e um certo We Are Family Style.

Os Vaughan Brothers no estúdio mesmo antes da morte do Stevie. Ele está a tocar a minha Strat Laminada a Ouro (personalizada em fábrica) no final do vídeo.
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Os Vaughan Bros durante Family Style na sala de controlo do estúdio Ardent em Memphis

Stevie fazendo um intervalo durante a gravação de Family Style

Al Berry, Jimmie e eu ouvindo a faixa de guitarra baixo do Al

Rich Hilton e Michael Vasquez num momento divertido

Jimmie e eu num momento de artista e produtor

Stevie, eu e o Jimmie hnum momento de artistas e produtor

Vaughan Brothers "Family Style"


We Are Family Style

28. Januar 2012

Stevie Ray Vaughan und Jimmie Vaughan brachten den "We Are Family Style"

Das Leben steckt voller Höhen und Tiefen. Vor etwas mehr als einem Jahr befand ich mich am absoluten Tiefpunkt, als ich von meiner Prostatakrebserkrankung erfuhr.

Im Jahre 1990 arbeitete ich an einem Projekt, das genauso wie das Leben selbst voller Höhen und Tiefen steckte. Das Projekt hieß "Family Style" von den Vaughan Brothers. Es war das einzige Album, das Stevie Ray zusammen mit seinem Bruder Jimmie aufnahm.

Ein Großteil des Albums bestand natürlich aus vielen Höhepunkten - aber der Tiefpunkt war der schrecklichste Tiefpunkt, den man sich überhaupt vorstellen kann, nämlich der Tod von Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Dieses Projekt führte im Ergebnis nicht nur die beiden Brüder enger zusammen, es entwickelte sich zudem innerhalb unserer Studiocrew ein echtes Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl und ein gewisser "We are Family Style".

Die Vaughan Brothers zusammen im Studio, kurz vor Stevie´s Tod. Am Schluß des Videoclips spielt er meine goldbesetzte Stratocaster Gitarre.
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Die Vaughan Bros. während der Aufnahmen für "Family Style" im Aufnahmeraum der Ardent Studios in Memphis

Stevie vertreibt sich die Pause beim Billiardspielen während der Aufnahme von "Family Style"

Al Berry, Jimmie und ich hören uns nochmal Al's Bass-Part an

Lustige Aufnahme von Rich Hilton und Michael Vasquez

Jimmie und ich bei einem unserer zahlreichen Gespräche über die Produktion

Hier unterhalten sich Stevie, ich und Jimmie über den weiteren Verlauf der Produktion

Die Vaughan Brothers mit dem Album "Family Style"


We Are Family Style

  January 28, 2012

  Stevie Ray Vaughan et Jimmie Vaughan dans un style We Are Family

La vie est une suite de hauts et de bas. Il y a un petit plus d'un an, j'étais très bas quand j'ai été attaqué par un cancer de la prostate très agressif.

En 1990, j'ai travaillé sur un projet qui, comme la vie, était rempli de beaucoup de hauts et de bas. C'etait Family Style des Vaughan Brothers, le seul album studio de Stevie Ray et son frère Jimmie.

Le plus gros de l'album etait une serie de hauts, mais le bas a été le plus bas de tous les bas possibles, la mort de Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Ce projet n'a pas seulement rapproché les deux frères, notre équipe entière avait un lien de parenté unique et un certain style We Are Family.


  The Vaughan Brothers en studio juste avant la mort de  Stevie. Il joue sur ma  Gold Plated Strat d'origine à la fin du clip.
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  The Vaughan Bros pendant Family Style dans la cabine de l'Ardent Studio de Memphis


  Stevie prend une pause billard durant l'enregistrement de Family Style


  Al Berry, Jimmie et moi écoutant la piste de la basse de Al


  Rich Hilton et Michael Vasquez dans un moment sympa


  Jimmie et moi dans un moment de production artistique


  Stevie, moi et Jimmie dans un moment de production artistique


  Vaughan Brothers "Family Style"



We Are Family Style

January 28, 2012



1990年、僕はまるで人生のような、沢山の浮き沈みに満ちたプロジェクトに取り組んでいた。それはザ・ヴォーン・ブラザーズの "ファミリー・スタイル"。スティーヴィー・レイと彼の兄ジミーによる唯一のスタジオ・アルバムだった。



スティーヴィーの死の直前のスタジオの中のヴォーン・ブラザーズ。彼は僕のファクトリーで金属部に金メッキが施されたストラト(キャスター)をビデオクリップの最後で演奏している。 SRVMusicVideoによるアップロード


メンフィスのアーデントスタジオのコントロール・ルームで "ファミリー・スタイル" 中のヴォーン・ブラザーズ

"ファミリー・スタイル" の録音中にプール・ブレイクをとるスティーヴィー





ヴォーン・ブラザーズ "ファミリー・スタイル"


Stile We Are Family

January 28, 2012

Stevie Ray Vaughan e Jimmie Vaughan, raccontano We Are Family Style

La vita è piena di alti e bassi. Circa un anno fa, avevo raggiunto un livello molto basso, quando fui colpito da un cancro aggressivo alla prostata.

Nel 1990, ho lavorato su un progetto che, come nella vita, fu pieno di alti e bassi. Si chiamava, "Family Style by the Vaughan Brothers". E' stato l'unico album in studio, di Stevie Ray e suo fratello, Jimmie.

La maggior parte dell'album ha visto molti alti - ma i bassi furono il massimo di tutti i bassi - la morte di Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Questo prgetto non solo avvicinò i fratelli tra di loro, ma il nostro intero team di lavoro ebbe una grossa opportunità per stare insieme, Stile We Are Family.

The Vaughan Brothers in studio, poco prima della morte di Stevie. Qui, lui suona la mia Strat placcata d'oro, alla fine della clip.
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The Vaughan Bros, durante Family Style, nella regia dell'Ardent Studio, di Memphis

Stevie fa una pausa al biliardo, durante le registrazioni di Family Style

Al Berry, Jimmie ed io, ascoltando la traccia di basso di Al

Rich Hilton e Michael Vasquez, in un momento divertente

Jimmie ed io, in un momento artista-produttorer

Stevie, io e Jimmie, in un momento artista-produttore

Vaughan Brothers "Family Style"


This Is Cool

January 27, 2012

When I left for work I knew to expect the unexpected

When I left for work I knew to expect the unexpected. I don't often talk about my record label and my distribution company because it's very specific and generally, lay people wouldn't find it interesting.

Today is a little different because in Electronic Gaming Monthly, I have half of the 12 Most Anticipated Games for 2012's soundtracks. This Is Cool.

Electronic Gaming Monthly 12 for 2012 issue

I have Darksiders 2

I have Hitman Absolution

I Have Borderlands 2

I have Halo 4

I don't think that lay people would be interested in Red Faction in Red Vinyl

I don't think lay people would be interested in Halo Combat Evolved on Vinyl

As with everything in my life, I'm taking this to the next level because This is Cool


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